1. evolved people of unknown origin. increased strength, speed, agility, reflexes, intelligence capacity, cell regeneration speed and denser. May possess supernatural abilities.
2. a group of people considered to be the best in a particular society or category, esp. because of their power, talent, or wealth : China's educated elite | [as adj. ] an elite combat force.
3. a size of letter in typewriting, with 12 characters to the inch (about 4.7 to the centimeter).
4. representing the most choice or select; best: an elite group of authors.
link /li ng k/
3. make, form, or suggest a connection with or between
4. refers to the emergence of a theos in an Elite entity. Involves crossing the pain barrier.
see theos
the·al /θēəl/
see theos
the·os /θēɒs/
1. supernatural ability derived from linking. Refers only to supernatural, paranormal, superhuman abilities in entities of Elite origin.